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Writer's pictureRichard Parrish

Pray for Strength!

“But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” - Luke 21:36 (ESV)

Are we being lulled to sleep?

As a child, I remembered people talking about the “soon coming of the Lord.” These were well-meaning followers of Jesus who believed in the return of Christ. Rarely was there a church service that I was not reminded, “Jesus is coming soon!” But today, it’s rare that I hear that reminder.

It’s more popular to speak of how following Jesus will make my life better, more prosperous, fulfilling, and enlightened. But rarely do I hear “Jesus is coming soon.” Why? Have we forgotten that Jesus will return? Have we become so enmeshed in this earthly kingdom we fail to remember we’re citizens of God’s Kingdom? Is my only desire to follow Jesus because of worldly benefits (abundance, acclaim, a free pass from hardship and persecution)?

Jesus made it clear: “…when you see all these things taking place, you can know that the Kingdom of God is near.” The “these things” Jesus refers to are not a “problem-free” life. He’s speaking of times that will be especially hard on the human soul.

Jesus urges us to pray for strength, a prevailing and overcoming strength that empowers us to endure. A power to survive and triumph over the fast-approaching storms looming on the horizon. We will not avoid assaults, but Christ’s strength enables us to withstand the storms.

The signs are all around us: in nature, political discord, wars, violence, injustice, immorality, and corruption (and add your items to the list). With these “signs,” it’s easy to become complacent, disheartened, and discouraged. That’s what happens when we allow ourselves to be lulled to sleep. That’s what happens when we lack a strength that prevails.

But the good news is: These signs remind me Jesus is coming soon!

If your tank is running low on hope, ask Jesus for strength to prevail, overcome, and endure. He loves to fill you with enduring HOPE.


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